Daily Archives: 27/01/2022

#48: Selling Flowers for Other Religion’s Religious Ritual

Question: What is the ruling of selling flowers for the praying ritual of another religion? [...]

#47: Swine Organ Transplanted into Humans

Question: What is the ruling of transplanting swine organs to humans? Isn’t swine categorized as [...]

#46: Pets in the Hereafter

Question: Is it possible for me to meet my pet again after I die in [...]

#45: Slightly Deviated Qibla

Question: What should I do if I’m praying while being slightly deviated from the qibla? [...]

#44: Not Verbalizing the Intention of Nazar

Question: Is it valid to set the intention of nazar without verbalizing it? Answer: Imam [...]

#43: Several Groups of Congregation Praying in the Same Place

Question: What is the ruling if there are several groups of congregations in the same [...]

#42: A Resident Makmum Following a Traveller Imam

Question: Is it permissible for a resident to be the makmum of an imam who [...]

#41: Makmum Performing Qasar Prayer while the Imam Tamam

Question: Is it permissible for a makmum who is performing qasar to follow an imam [...]

#40: Disturbances from Unseen Creatures

Question: Recently, there was news about reports that several houses in Kubang Keiran were robbed [...]

#39: Why Is He Named Muhammad?

Question: Why did the Prophet PBUH name, Muhammad? Answer: Rasullullah PBUH said: لِي خَمْسَةُ أسْماءٍ: [...]