Daily Archives: 29/01/2022

#56: The Advantages of Memorizing al-Quran

Question: What are the advantages of memorizing al-Quran? Answer: Alhamdulillah, all praise and gratitude we [...]

#55: Separating Children’s Room

Question: I have three young children which consist of two girls and one very young [...]

#54: Ablution with Make-up On

Question: What is the ruling of a person performing ablution with her make-up on? Answer: [...]

#53: Absentee Funeral Prayer

Question: Is it permissible to perform the absentee funeral prayer for a deceased who passed [...]

#52: Wearing Mask Whilst Praying

Question: Assalamualaikum ustaz. What is the ruling of wearing a face mask while praying? Answer: [...]

#51: Shaving the Head of a Newborn

Question: What is the ruling of shaving the head of a newborn baby? I find [...]

#50: The True Meaning of Prophet Jesus Killing Swine

Question: What is meant in the hadith regarding the Prophet Jesus AS killing swine? Does [...]