Author Archives: admin

#351:  Berkenaan Bunian

Soalan Assalamualaikum ustaz. Boleh jelaskan berkenaan bunian? Adakah mereka dari kalangan jin? Boleh jelaskan juga [...]

#350 Memakan Penguin

Soalan:          Assalamualaikum w.b.t. Apakah hukum memakan daging penguin? Terima kasih. Jawapan: Waalaikumussalam w.b.t. Alhamdulillah, [...]

#349 Memakan Daging Musang

Soalan Apakah hukum makan musang? Jawapan Alhamdulillah, puji dan syukur kepada Ilahi atas pelbagai kurniaan [...]

#25: Muallaf Who Can’t Recite Surah al-Fatihah in Prayer

Question: How should a muallaf who has yet to memorize Surah al-Fatihah perform his prayer? [...]

#24: Eloping to Thailand

Question: I and my partner are both students in a university. However, sometimes we would [...]

#23: Tissue and Organ Donation

Question: What is the ruling of donating organs and tissue? Is it considered as hurting [...]

#22: An Imam Who Is a Smoker

Question: The imam in my village is a smoker. Is it permissible for me to [...]

#21: Eating Bloody/Rare Steak

Question: What is the ruling of eating bloody steak? Answer: According to Syafi’iyyah scholars, there [...]

#20: Makhraj for Letter in Surah al-Fatihah

Question: Is a prayer valid if the phrase “ولا الضالين” is recited with a thick [...]

#19: Purposely Arriving Late at the Mosque for Friday Prayer

Question: What is the ruling for a person who purposely arrives late at the mosque [...]